Style Notes: 7 hair trends 2017


All ready for Spring-Summer 2017? The wardrobe is starting to take shape … and the hair? The hair is in order? The hair trends 2017 protagonists wet-style, mini bob and XXL volumes. While we wait to see what will happen, we examine seven hair trends 2017 seen at fashion shows SS17: take notes! Style Notes: 7 hair trends 2017 1….

Long hair in a short time: Can you?


Long hair or short hair? The new hair trends 2017 provide short and long hair cuts, while unquestioned protagonist is certainly the fringe to be combined with short and scaled carré. If you love long hair, it resists in pole position, including hairstyles, braid. The Carrè has its measure: absolutely must stop at the ear lobe and, as a rule, should be…

Popband: in testa o al polso per portare buonumore!


Ormai in primavera inoltrata, aspettiamo con ansia l’agognata estate e intanto desideriamo ricaricarci di sole, colore e allegria; di gelati alla frutta, fragole e fiori sul tavolo, tulipani dai colori sgargianti che avremo anche acquistato a pochi euro al supermercato, ma che cambiano l’atmosfera della nostra casa e allietano il nostro animo bisognoso di rigenerarsi. Con la bella assolata stagione…